To return
them hope

Let's come together to bring hope to underprivileged and underserved people

At Caleb Danladi Foundation

Our Highest Ambition is to Help People

The Caleb Danladi Foundation is a non-governmental organization (NGO) registered in Nigeria with the goal of reaching out to society's most vulnerable members. CDF strives to enhance the living standards of the less privileged in society. CDF has raised funds and run programs aimed at empowering widows, assisting orphans in need of education and entrepreneurship skills to better their future, providing charitable and humanitarian aid to the elderly, physically challenged poor children, and disaster victims, and community and rural development.

Our Beneficiaries
and Focus

The Caleb Danladi Foundation’s beneficiaries and focus
cuts across various groups in society, such as

Widows & Disaster Victims

The Caleb Danladi Foundation offers essential aid to Nigerian widows and individuals affected by natural disasters. These people face a difficult situation as they struggle with poverty and the threat of unsafe living conditions.

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

One of the goals of the CDF is to ensure the well-being of children who are either orphaned or vulnerable due to social crises and gender inequality. This is accomplished by providing them with educational and healthcare assistance.

Early Childhood Development & Food Security

Our early childhood development is focused on the essentials for children's physical well-being, cognitive and language skills, and social and emotional development.

Providing Opportunities for Youth

Our focus is also on enhancing the knowledge, behaviors, and skills of young individuals by providing them with training and empowerment opportunities in leadership, gender-based awareness, and financial literacy.

Community and Rural Development

Get involved with an Emergency Services organization and gain the experience, training and essential skills required to help people when they need it most.

Creating Opportunities For Persons With Disabilities

The CDF focuses on improving the lives of persons with disabilities through information, motivation, and support to realize their full potential and become productive and active members of society.

Our Campaign

To Inspire individuals to "STEP UP"
and claim their place and space
in all aspects of life.

Caleb Danladi
Message from the


Governments and the people are increasingly burdened by social issues. Many believe public services alone cannot fix these issues. So, more people want to help society and are interested in contributing to society. Business involvement in CSR-related activities has expanded due to growing CSR awareness. Volunteerism and nonprofits are well-established. A mutual help society movement is rising.

The Caleb Danlandi Foundation's most valuable asset is the network of people and organizations we've built. Bringing people together creates synergy. We prioritize solving real-world issues. We engage in lively discussions with nonprofits, corporations, governments, international organizations, scholars, and volunteers to find solutions and create projects.

Because We Can

How Can We Help Them?

You can contribute to a range of work that helps children and families across Nigeria – including projects focused on livelihoods, child protection, education, and empowerment.

Giving Love

Your support will unwrap brighter futures for people out there.


Your donation can help us offer more services to more people.


You can contribute your time, skills, knowledge through volunteering.

Become a Volunteer?

Becoming a volunteer isn't just about giving back to your community. It's also about learning new skills, making lifelong friends, and being a part of the CDF community.

    Our Team

    Meet Our Volunteers

    So far....




    Projects Funded